Driving While License Suspended in the Third Degree

What Is It?

Current Law: When a person does not pay the fine for a minor traffic violation within the specified time period, their driver’s license is suspended. If they then continue to drive and are stopped by the police, the stop then results in a criminal offense (misdemeanor).


Why Care?

This law criminalizes those who cannot pay fines for civil moving violations and impact POC, youth, and the poor disproportionately as they are disproportionately stopped for moving violations.


In the Legislature

SB 5226

Concerning the suspension of licenses for traffic infractions.


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Email Your Legislator

If you are a constituent, email Senators on the Transportation and Law & Justice Committees.

Law & Justice Committee Members & Staff Contact

Transportation Committee Members & Staff Contact

Email Representatives on Transportation and Public Safety Committees, if you are their constituent.

Transportation Committee Members and Staff Public Safety Committee Members and Staff

Participate in Virtual Lobby Days

Make your and other voice heard by joining ACLU and League of Women Voter “virtual” lobby days.


Give Public Testimony

Consider testifying at public hearings.

Educate Yourself & Spread the Word

Use the resources below to continue your education on DWLS3, help to education your senators or representatives, and then spread that knowledge throughout your network.

ACLU-WA DWLS3 Report - Driven To Fail

2021 License Suspension One-Pager (DRAFT)


Free to Drive